Long-term monitoring of landslides

Bildergebnis für universität wienBildergebnis für land nö


Publications 2016 - 2023

  • Marr, P., Jiménez Donato, Y. A., Carraro, E., Kanta, R., & Glade, T. (2023). The Role of Historical Data to Investigate Slow-Moving Landslides by Long-Term Monitoring Systems in Lower Austria. Land, 12 (3), 659.
  • Stumvoll, M. J., Schmaltz, E. M., Kanta, R., Roth, H., Grall, B., Luhn, J., Orozco, A. F.,  & Glade, T. (2022). Exploring the dynamics of a complex, slow-moving landslide in the Austrian Flysch Zone with 4D surface and subsurface information. CATENA, 214, 106203.
  • Stumvoll, M. J., Konzett, M., Schmaltz, E. M., & Glade, T. (2022). Application of UAS to Detect Infrequent and Local Large-Scale Surficial Displacements: Critical Examples from the Fields of Landslide and Erosion Research. In sUAS Applications in Geography (pp. 203-233). Springer.
  • Orozco, A. F., Steiner, M., Katona, T., Roser, N., Moser, C., Stumvoll, M. J., & Glade, T. (2022). Application of induced polarization imaging across different scales to understand surface and groundwater flow at the Hofermuehle landslide. CATENA, 219, 106612
  • Roser, N., Steiner, M., Stumvoll, M., Katona, T., Glade, T., & Orozco, A. F. (2021, August). Imaging hydrogeological and mechanical parameters in landslides through geophysical data fusion: the Hofermühle site. In NSG2021 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics (Vol. 2021, No. 1, pp. 1-5). European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers.Cham.
  • Stumvoll, M.J., Schmaltz, E.M, Glade T. (2020): Dynamic characterization of a slow-moving landslide system – assessing the challenges of small process scales utilizing multi-temporal TLS data. Manuscript submitted for publication in Geomorphology.
  • Stumvoll, M.J., Canli, E., Engels, A., Thiebes, B., Groiss, B., Glade, T., Schweigl, J., Bertagnoli, M. (2019): The “Salcher” landslide observatory – Experimental long-term monitoring in the Flysch Zone of Lower Austria. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 79, 1831-1848.
  • Gallistl, J., Weigand, M., Stumvoll, M., Ottowitz, D., Glade, T., Orozco, A. (2018): Delineation of subsurface variability in clay-rich landslides through spectral induced polarization imaging and electromagnetic methods. Engineering Geology. 245. 292 - 308.
  • Canli, E., Engels, A., Glade, T., Schweigl, J., Bertagnoli, M. (2016): Surface and subsurface monitoring of an active landslide in Gresten (Austria). 13thINTERPRAEVENT Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland. 72-73.

Presentations, PICOs and Posters 2015 - 2022

  • Marr, P., Stumvoll, M., Kanta, R., Donato, Y. A. J., & Glade, T. (2022). Insights from a long-term monitoring system of a slow-moving landslide at Hofermühle, Lower Austria. ICG Coimbra, Portugal
  • Stumvoll, M., Marr, P., Kanta, R., Donato, Y. A. J., & Glade, T. (2022). Complex, slow-moving landslide dynamics: implications from a long-term monitoring setup on the Hofermühle landslide in Lower Austria. EGU Vienna, Austria
  • Marr, P., Donato, Y. A. J., Carraro, E., & Glade, T.  (2022): Landslide Observatories in Austria. LTER Austria Conference. Vienna, Austria.
  • Gillemot, K., Pühringer, L., Stumvoll, M.J., Glade T. (2020, postponed due to Corona): Applicability of a distributed wireless sensor network of accelerometers for landslide early warning. In INTERPRAEVENT. Bergen, Norway.
  • Stumvoll, M.J, Glade, T. (2020, no presentation due to Corona): Complex landslide dynamics: establishing a monitoring setup to investigate sub-surface properties and displacements of a slow moving landslide system. NH3.9/ Online/ no presentation. EGU General Assembly 2020, Wien, Österreich.
  • Stumvoll, M.J., Schmaltz, E.M., Glade T. (2019): Complex landslide dynamics: analyzing and evaluating high-resolution surface displacements using close range remote sensing techniques. BG2.21/NH3.25/SSS13.11. EGU General Assembly 2019, Wien, Österreich.
  • Stumvoll, M.J., Glade, T. (2018): Landslide monitoring using multi-temporal surface and sub-surface measurement techniques – embedding quantitative data into theoretical landscape development concepts. NH3.3/GI2.16/SSS13.47. EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
  • Gallistl, J., Bücker, M., Jochum, B., Glade, T., Flores-Orozco, A. (2018): Induced-polarization imaging for the delineation of subsurface variability in clay-rich landslides. 5th International Workshop on Induced Polarization (IP), October 3-5, 2018 at Rutgers University-Newark, USA.
  • Hauck, C., Stumvoll, M.J., Jochum, B., Guardiani, C., Glade, T. (2018): The influence of hydro-meteorological conditions on landslide dynamics – an application to the Salcher landslide in Gresten, Lower Austria. NH3.1/HS2.3.10. EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
  • Karl, C., Stumvoll, M.J., Gallistl, J., Flores-Orozco, A., Glade, T. (2018): Delineation of internal landslide structures using complex conductivity imaging and geotechnical investigations – case study Hofermühle, Lower Austria. NH3.3/GI2.16/SSS13.47. EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
  • Lidauer, S., Jochum, B., Ottowitz, D., Stumvoll, M.J., Glade, T. (2018): Geoelectric long-time monitoring: Changes and pattern within subsurface resistivity during different precipitation events in the Salcher landslide, Gresten (Lower Austria). NH3.3/GI2.16/SSS13.47. EGU General Assembly 2018, Wien, Österreich.
  • Canli, E., Engels, A., Glade, T., Schweigl, J., Bertagnoli, M. (2016): The Salcher landslide observatory: a new long-term monitoring site in Austria. NH3.3 // EGU2016-7886. EGU General Assembly 2016, Wien, Österreich.
  • Canli, E., Thiebes, B., Glade, T. (2015): Multi-Parameter Monitoring einer aktiven Massenbewegung in Gresten (Österreich). ER-FS-09 // Deutscher Kongress für Geographie (1.-6. Oct. 2015), Berlin, Deutschland.
  • Canli, E., Thiebes, B., Engels, A., Glade, T., Schweigl, J., Bertagnoli, M. (2015): Multi-parameter monitoring of a slow moving landslide in Gresten (Austria). – NH3.4 // EGU2015-223. EGU General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.
  • Canli, E., Höfle, B., Hämmerle, M., Thiebes, B., Glade, T. (2015): Permanent 3D laser scanning system for an active landslide in Gresten (Austria). – ESSI3.3 // EGU2015-2885. EGU General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.
  • Canli, E., Thiebes, B., Höfle, B., Glade, T. (2015): Permanent 3D laser scanning system for alpine hillslope instabilities. 6th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Predictions and Assessment (22.-25. June 2015), Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Engels, A., Canli, E., Thiebes, B., Glade, T. (2015): Structural assessment and multi-parameter monitoring – an application to the Salcher landslide (Austria). – NH3.4 // EGU2015-8699. EGU General Assembly 2015, Wien, Österreich.
  • Thiebes, B., Glade, T., Schweigl, J., Jäger, S., Canli, E. (2014): Landslide monitoring and early warning systems in Lower Austria-current situation and new developments. NH5.1 // EGU2014-13676. EGU General Assembly 2014, Wien, Österreich.
  • EGU Blog – Imaggeo on Mondays (16. Nov. 2015): Drilling a landslide


Die Presse (Print issue, 03.07.2021): Die Dynamik des Hangs verstehen lernen (German only)


We regularly offer topics (Bachelor, Master, Diploma) as part of the NoeSLIDE project! If you are interested in the topic of natural hazards, empirical work and participation in a scientific project, simply contact us for a discussion without obligation. (For contacts see stakeholders; for more on thesis topics, see here).


  • Luhn Julia: Sub-surface structure and properties of a creeping landslide. Applying geophysical and direct methods at the active part of the Hofermühle Landslide, Lower Austria (MSc)
  • Baugher Kyle: Quantification of Factor of Safety using Electric Resistivity Tomography (Salcher/ ERT) (MSc)


  • Baldasti, Andreas (2022): Bohrkernuntersuchung und Inklinometermessung am NoeSLIDE-Standort der Hofermühle (Niederösterreich)
  • Roth Horst (2021): Bodenmechanische und mineralogische Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung der Hangstabilität am Beispiel der Hofermühlerutschung in Konradsheim, NÖ (MSc)
  • Benedikt Müller (2021): Extern induzierte Wachstumsstörungen im Jahrringbild juveniler Picea Abies als Indikator für vergangene Rutschprozesse am Standort Hofermühle. (BSc)
  • Lindemair Bastian (2021): Surface dynamics of a landslide in Salcher, Lower Austria - Structure from motion analysis and UAV-based digital surface models. (Salcher/ UAV) (MSc)
  • Grall Bernhard (2020): Struktur und Dynamik der Hofermühle-Rutschung (MSc)
  • Pühringer Lukas (2019): Bewegungsmonitoring eines Felsturms mithilfe eines drahtlosen Sensorknotennetzwerks – Eine Analyse am Beispiel Amtmann in Waidhofen an der Ybbs. (Dipl)
  • Feiel Pia (2019): Drainagen als beeinflussende Faktoren von Hanginstabilitäten – elektromagnetische Messungen in der niederösterreichischen Flyschzone. (BSc)
  • Schragl Sebastian (2018): Niederschlagsschwellenwerte gravitativer Massenbewegungen. Potentiale und Limitationen untersucht an der Hofermühl-Rutschung (NÖ). (Msc)
  • Hauck Christina (2018): Hydrological analysis of the Lower Austrian Salcher-Slide based on 4D-ERT data (MSc)
  • Karl Christina (2018): Delineation of internal landslide structures using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and geotechnical investigations – case study Hofermühle, Lower Austria. (Dipl)
  • Iglseder Anna (2018): Landslide change detection using terrestrial laserscanning - a fieldstudy in Opponitz (MSc)
  • Lidauer Simon (2018): Änderungen des spezifischen elektrischen Wiederstands in der Salcher Rutschung in Gresten (Österreich) - Anwendungen von ZID-Inversionen auf Auswirkungen von langzeit- und erosionsbezogenen Niederschlägen (Dipl)
  • Barczewski Ines (2017): Auswirkung des Niederschlags auf den Bodenwasserhaushalt in der Salcherrutschung und daraus resultierende Bewegungen (MSc.)
  • Humer Lisa (2016): Monitoring von Hangrutschungen und Schutzmaßnahmen am Beispiel der Hofermühl-Rutschung im niederösterreichischen Mostviertel (BSc)
  • Schmitz Evelyn (2015): Automatic georeferencing of 4D LiDAR data of an active landslide in Gresten (Austria) (BSc)
  • Iglseder Anna (2015): Einsatz von Piezometern bei multisensoralen Monitoringprojekten von gravitativen Massenbewegungen am Beispiel des Monitorings der Salcherrutschung in Gresten, Niederösterreich (BSc)
  • Engels Alexander (2015): Landslide dynamics - from historical data to monitoring systems: an approach in Gresten, Lower Austria (MSc)
